
Crossing Fingers

Sometimes I look around and I think life is way too unfair to some people. All you have to do is listen to the news, and I’m not talking about tv or newspapers but news from the people you know. While I complain about my own problems, I should always take some time to realize that at least mine have a solution. There are those who suffer from irreversible health problems or who are in a situation they can't possibly escape from. How can there be such unequalty of opportunities? I mean, we all know someone who is a really good person, an angel on earth, and who has a thousand problems or suddenly gets a horrible disease. Does it mean we should be cruel and heartless in order to have good luck and prosperity in life? No, I refuse to believe that. That's neither what I’ve been taught nor how I like to behave. I guess we must keep crossing our fingers and hoping for the best to happen.


judi said...

I cross my fingers for you, for a wonderful year ahead.

Anonymous said...

interesting post. I would love to follow you on twitter.

Carlos Lucero said...
