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There are those times when I tell myself “ok J()§hØ... it’s time for you to change... you’re gonna do it this time... you’ll build a future”. And then I think “naaah, who am I kidding?”. I guess I’m tired of making empty promises to myself all the time. It is, clearly, the moment to stop overthinking and start doing whatever I really want (and NO, “lazing” isn’t one of the options... anymore). The problem is that... I don’t even believe what I’m writing right now. And being conscious of it doesn’t help either. I’m not asking for too much. I think I’ve left most of my fears behind already, so why not taking that last step? I should be able to act like anyone else by now. Where’s the life I want? Where should I aim? I don’t know, I just hope I don’t figure it out too late.
1 comment:
UGGH..what a stagnant battle. i totally relate, because this is my day to day experience.
I could give you advice- not so say that this will work for your particular situation. but it is what i am practicing right now.
"the soldier goes into battle with his entire being"
this is my motto of connecting ALL my thoughts towards what I want throughout the day. Sound compulsive? well, yes. but I've only been working to get this into my life for about 3 years and I'm fed up.
This is a calling upon creativity- to make every aspect of your life connect to your higher desire. I have to place reminders, the word "everywhere", in different places that I see the most.
finally, remain in the now. most of us don't get anywhere because we are taken captive about ideas about the future, past, ourselves, or others. if you think of a mandala (with the 4 directions, and a center spot), you want to remain in the present moment. In that center, question your thinking. Etc.."what do I think about my past that is causing these negative feelings to arise?" if the answer is "my past was a totally fluke and absolutely insignificant and full of failures" there you have the answer to why you are not getting anywhere. you are stuck in the past. this is an example of a hidden subconcious judgement that make us fail over and over again.
ahhh. srry for writing so much. i manifest things in life that i want..a great deal is spiritual for me. i hope i could help. this is the guy whose written a book about the mandala principle.
he has a free ebook meditation course. i have yet to try it.
i recommend anything that boasts the power of thought. "The Secret" has definately been popular these days.
and oh..nice to meet you ^_^
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